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The CCA Way

Coal Clough Academy is a school dedicated to providing the chances pupils need after they have faced difficulty in accessing mainstream schools. To do this we need to create and maintain a safe environment for all pupils to access their education. To do this we implement and follow our Behaviour Curriculum; The CCA Way

The Standards We Expect

Reasoning To be able to think through problems and being ready to make sense of a given situation, in order to either learn from it or to solve a problem or create something


Being aware of our roles and responsibilities, how we should behave, what we should do and why


Being ready and willing and able to learn in different ways


Being ready, willing and able to lock onto learning, to keep going when things get tough. Stickability!
Reflection Being able to look back on our work, experiences, experiences of others and on the world around us and learn from this


Thinking about how we should behave appropriately towards our peers, adults, our own learning opportunities, our resources and our environment

Our Key Habits & Routines

Checks will be made that uniform is correct

Outdoor Jackets Removed

The HALT process will be checked Are pupils Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired
Work will be carried out to remove these barriers
Pupils will be greeted at the door of the classroom to ensure Pupils are classroom ready  

Personal Items away


Directed to their seat

How We Teach Our Expectations & Routines

Pupil’s will be taught about our expectations as part of their induction processes Reminders of expectations will be displayed around school
Parents will receive information on the CCA way at admissions meetings and through our Home School Agreement Reminders and updates on the CCA Way will be delivered through Assemblies for pupils and Briefings for staff
Staff receive CPD sessions on our Behaviour Curriculum and how to implement it Staff will model the standards we expect with pupils and each other
Pupils will be reminded of our behaviour our standards, key habits and routines. These will also be explained and demonstrated by all staff Some pupils will receive direct support to encourage the development of the skills needed to meet school expectations as part of a tailored intervention if it is needed

Responding To Individual Needs

We make adaptations for all pupils depending on their circumstances or needs.


Pupils may need this adaptation due to Special Educational Needs or Disability.


” I want to thank each and every one of you for being amazing. Never in my career have I worked with teachers and support staff as hardworking and patient as those at CCA. We have chosen to work with the young people that most others have lost hope in and that is no small feat.”
