Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance
At Coal Clough Academy, we are highly committed to providing outstanding careers education and advice for all students. The school’s aims and ethos underpin the work of the careers team. Students are all able to achieve, but can only fulfil their potential if they understand themselves, their abilities and the possibilities available to them. All of our careers guidance and advice promotes full inclusivity and diversity to anyone that accesses it.
Our Careers Policy can be accessed here.
Our Careers Policy is reviewed annually. The date of the next review is June 2025.
Careers Team
Pupils at Coal Clough Academy have access to impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance from our careers link, who works closely with pupils on a day to day basis. The careers staff, with the support of the senior leadership team, guide your child to their chosen destination post-16.
Coal Clough Academy’s careers staff are continually accessible and can be contacted by phone or email.
The Senior Leadership Team link for careers is:
Nathanial Eatwell (Personal Development Lead & DSL) –
The School Careers Link and Coordinator is:
Molly Sparrow
Telephone: 01282 421142