Your careers team in school is led by Molly Sparrow. We are available to talk to about your life after you leave Coal Clough Academy. Our aim is to give you the support you need so that you can be confident and happy about your choices for the future.
Resources for You
Check out these websites:
-–This website has lots of information and support with applying for courses and jobs.
-–If you are wondering how your subjects relate to a career, you can use this website to find videos of people who are in the careers now and what they did to get there.
-–This website has all you need to know about different careers and courses, you can even search for courses near you.
-–General advice and news on the latest in careers.
- Year 11 Transition Opportunities– This is a fantastic series of virtual work experience, resources and employer insights.
If you are unsure about what you want to do, why not try one of the below tools which can help you make careers choices and see what careers are available to you.