Written by Karl Roberts
I got the chance to try out a new sport called orienteering –have you ever heard of it or tried it yourself?
We went to an orienteering centre, we started off at a bridge and we were given a large-scale orienteering map which showed the different types of land and the environment. We were also given a compass with a magnifying glass attached. The magnifying glass helped us to see the small orienteering points on the map. The compass helped us to turn the map so we knew in which direction we should be going.
I was in a team with somebody who was not very enthusiastic and they weren’t really motivated. By contrast, I rather enjoyed the experience and would like to do it again.
When we found a checkpoint we had to draw the symbol onto a chart we had been given at the start. After we found all the checkpoints, we went to a different location where we were told to go by ourselves and find as many checkpoints as we could within a 50-minute time limit. I was presented with a certificate in assembly.