The class trip to the Natural History Museum.
When we arrived the students were amazed with all the artefacts. One student didn’t believe that the ancient Egyptians mummified bodies, until he actually saw one; hopefully we can do an ancient Egypt class topic, as all the students found it interesting.
We then took the students to look at the animals, all taxidermy animals and skeletons of dinosaurs and elephants, many of the students were taking pictures and one student even stated it was the best day ever. This was a fantastic statement to hear as a teacher.
Then there was a section of the museum dedicated to live animals such as poisonous frogs and many different varieties of lizards chameleons, snakes and spiders. The students were gobsmacked at the animals, especially the yellow and black poisonous frogs and the chameleons. Many pictures were taken and all the students where comfortable just being themselves and enjoying the experience.
There weren’t any arguments, and the atmosphere was fantastic. It was truly an amazing school trip for the nurture and medical KS3 students.
Even the bus trip back to school was relaxed and jovial, one student had been so excited around the museum, they fell asleep on the way back and even though we were late back to school at home time, nobody complained. I believe this was a rewarding experience for all staff and students.